AS3: History Manager Class

Recently at work I have been building a text editing application to help speed up the process of adding HTML tags to text for Flash. Today I wrote a simple reusable history management class to enable undo/redo on a text field. This is the first version so there may still be some bugs. I also […]

June 23, 2010

Inspiring Inspiration #1

First is this great infographic for a documentary called Waiting For ‘Superman’ which highlights a bunch of issues in America. I love the simple colours and textures in this and the animation is really smooth and flowing. The use of circles is awesome too! Secondly, an animated video clip for Don’t Give it Up by […]

June 22, 2010

Invisible Mouse

Here is a cool video that was posted over at the NUI Group forums. This guy has used infra-red lasers and a webcam along with CCV to track the users hand position and movement, which is then translated into cursor movements and clicks. Pretty cool idea.

June 19, 2010

AS3 – Getting the order of MovieClips in the stage

Here is yet another small code snippet which allows you to get the order of MovieClips that are positioned on the stage. Source for the demo above: Download

June 6, 2010

AS3 – Detecting Control, Shift and Alt keyboard shortcuts

Here is a snippet of code which allows you to detect keyboard shortcuts such as ctrl+[another key] and ctrl+shift+[another key]. I wasn’t able to find any decent examples of detecting shortcuts but after reading the AS3 documentation I found that the Keyboard event contains the following boolean properties So by simply checking if those properties […]

June 5, 2010

AS3 – Repositioning the ComboBox dropdown list

If you’re like me and you don’t mind using some of the built in components in Flash to quickly build a UI but hate the look of them, you’ve probably made your own skins for them which is all well and good. But sometimes there are little things that really annoy me like the ComboBox […]