Happy new year to everyone. Let’s hope that 2012 is full of awesomeness. There are lots of things in the gadget world that will hopefully become available this year – Windows 8 and subsequent tablet devices, new Nokia Windows Phone devices, iPhone 5 and iPad 3. I think Flash will start to kick butt in the mobile app department too with Stage3D (aka Molehill) coming to AIR for Android and iOS. I also hope to see (or at least an example) of AIR for Windows Phone. I can’t wait for that. I hope to bring more posts to my blog this year too and increase the readers. Perhaps being less slack in promoting new posts will help. This year will also mark 10 years since I began doing work under the name NemenVisual – although originally it was called Nemen Productions. As usual, I also have fresh new blog design for this year which I have almost finished designing and is nearly ready to be turned into a WordPress Template. Check back soon to see the new design!

Oh and by the way, the photo above is a shot I took on NYE at Ocean Grove. The neighbours had some great illegal fireworks which they were setting off throughout the night!