Hover shine effect with pure CSS

This is a simple example of a mouse-over shine effect I created using purely CSS. It uses a CSS generated element and CSS3 transitions to animate the effect. See the comments in the markup below for further explanation of how it works. Live demo Click Me The code Simple HTML markup: And the CSS:

April 24, 2013

Windows 8 start screen in HTML, CSS and Javascript

About 7 or 8 months ago I built a tile based launch page at work to launch learning modules which looked similar to the Windows 8 start screen. When I had spare time I kept building on and adding 3D animations to match it even closer to Windows 8. Then I kind of forgot about […]

April 21, 2013

Getting all element attribute values with jQuery

Here is a little snippet which I have found extremely useful especially when working with XML in Javascript. You can use the following to loop through all of an element’s attributes and store them in an object: So for example if we have the following XML node: After running the snippet above on the node […]

April 20, 2013