New website for Nemen Visual
I have just launched a new website for Nemen Visual. The new site is a big departure from the old site which I created over 3 years ago. I took the redesign as an opportunity to explore some new techniques and modernise it a bit.
CSS Diamond grid
Following on from the last post I decided to play a bit more with the hexagonal grid and created a diamond grid. It works similar to the last grid except it uses squares rotated 45 degrees, so it is basically a regular grid tipped on its side with even-odd number alternating rows. Here is a […]
CSS Hexagonal packed grid
Most grids are square packed – that is each cell is stacked like a block which is great, but if you are after something slightly different maybe you should try a hexagonally packed grid. I will show you how to create a hexagonally packed grid using only CSS. But first, here is the difference between […]
A LESS mixin for a transition with a prefixed transition-property
The most common mixin you will find in LESS for CSS3 transitions is something like the following: The proplem with this is that if you want to transition a property that requires a prefix such as transform: You will end up with: This is not what you want, you need to have the transition-property prefixed […]
Accessing command line arguments with Grunt
I needed to be able to set up a watch task with Grunt to only watch a specific client sub directory. This directory would change depending on the client I was working on and new clients were constantly added so I need a way to watch the specific client that I was working on only, […]
Happy New Year!
Well it’s now 2014 and it’s looking to be a great year. I have a trip to Canada planned which will be exciting. I bought a new camera just before Christmas – a Sony A7R – which I am loving so far. I can’t wait to take it over to Canada. I am hoping the […]
Inspiring Inspiration #12
A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…
A new blog design
PurpleSquirrels has gone responsive. I have just flicked the switch on the new PurpleSquirrels design. The new design – which I have been working on over the last few weeks – is now responsive which will make it much easier to read content on mobile devices as it adapts to smaller screens. I had been […]
Webcam to canvas or data URI with HTML5 and Javascript
This post has been sitting around unfinished since April so I thought I should finish it and get it out there. In this post I am going to show how you can capture an image from a webcam via JavaScript and convert it to a Data URI which can then be saved in a database […]
Hover shine effect with pure CSS
This is a simple example of a mouse-over shine effect I created using purely CSS. It uses a CSS generated element and CSS3 transitions to animate the effect. See the comments in the markup below for further explanation of how it works. Live demo Click Me The code Simple HTML markup: And the CSS: