
Webcam to canvas or data URI with HTML5 and Javascript

This post has been sitting around unfinished since April so I thought I should finish it and get it out there. In this post I am going to show how you can capture an image from a webcam via JavaScript and convert it to a Data URI which can then be saved in a database […]

August 28, 2013

Uploading video from iPad to server with AIR for iOS

In this part 2 post following on from Record and play back video with AIR for iOS on iPad I will show you how to take your freshly recorded video and upload it to a web server using PHP. Assuming you have a MovieClip or some other button labeled ‘uploadbtn’ you first need to add […]

January 24, 2013

Reading and Writing your own file type with AS3 and AIR

If your building an AIR application and you want to have your own native custom file type association for your app, it is surprisingly easy to to with ActionScript 3 in air as I found out. I was unable to find any information on reading and writing custom files so I decided to post my […]

June 12, 2011