Since Chrome 25 we have had access to the new Web Speech API which allows us to create web apps that can utilse voice to text or voice control with a microphone. I have been wanting to experiment with this for quite a while so I built simple example to using voice commands to control an e-learning module made with my e-learning framework. I recorded a video below demonstrating navigation through voice commands. After the video I will show show you how easy it is to set up this basic control.
The following link provides a tutorial on implementing a speech to text example:
To use speech recognition for voice commands, this is how I implemented it:
1. Create a new speech recognition object
var recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
2. Make the object continuously check the microphone
recognition.continuous = true;
3. Set the language to use. By default it will use the document’s language
recognition.lang = "en-AU";
4. Start the speech recognition
5. Get results on the ‘onresult’ event
recognition.onresult = function (e) {
// loop through the results
for (var i = e.resultIndex; i < e.results.length; ++i) {
// only get the final results
if (e.results[i].isFinal) {
// trim any whitespace from result and pass to our command handler
// note: I am using jQuery here to trim the string because my e-learning demo already had jQuery included
6. Set up a function to handle the commands
function runCommand(command){
switch (command) {
case "alert" : alert("Hello"); break;
case "prompt" : prompt("Enter some text"); break;
case "confirm" : confirm("Confirm?"); break;