In an AIR project I am currently working on I wanted to have native alert boxes in my app rather than building custom pop up boxes. There is no built in way to get native alerts in AIR and I remembered reading this interview over at a while back where a developer at Illume used StageWebView to trigger an alert from a HTML page. So I decided to make a class called NativeAlert that uses AIR’s HTMLLoader to trigger alerts.

The class supports all three JavaScript pop ups – Alert, Confirm and Prompt. Here is how to use each popup:

// Create the NativeAlert object
var nativeAlert:NativeAlert = new NativeAlert();

/* basic alert
* alert(message:String):void
nativeAlert.alert("Hello there!");

/* confirm box
* confirm(message:String):Boolean
if (nativeAlert.confirm("Would you like to proceed?"))
  //do domething
  // the user cancelled

/* prompt box
* promt(message:String,defaultValue:String):String
var userName:String = nativeAlert.promt("please enter your name:", "");

And here is the class – copy the code into a new ActionScript file called NativeAlert.

  import flash.html.HTMLLoader;

  * ...
  * @author Ben Foster
  * -web:
  * -blog:
  public class NativeAlert
    private var _alertDispatcher:HTMLLoader;
    private var _html:String = "<script></script>";

    public function NativeAlert()
      _alertDispatcher = new HTMLLoader();

    // invokes an alert box
    public function alert(message:String):void

    // invokes a confirm box
    public function confirm(message:String):Boolean
      return _alertDispatcher.window.confirm(message);
    // invokes a prompt box
    public function prompt(message:String,defaultVal:String=""):String
      return _alertDispatcher.window.prompt(message, defaultVal);