CSS Hexagonal packed grid

Most grids are square packed – that is each cell is stacked like a block which is great, but if you are after something slightly different maybe you should try a hexagonally packed grid. I will show you how to create a hexagonally packed grid using only CSS. But first, here is the difference between […]

February 13, 2015

Inspiring Inspiration #15

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design.

February 4, 2015

Javascript voice control

Since Chrome 25 we have had access to the new Web Speech API which allows us to create web apps that can utilse voice to text or voice control with a microphone. I have been wanting to experiment with this for quite a while so I built simple example to using voice commands to control […]

March 2, 2014

Creating a mathematical colour picker

The most common technique for creating a colour picker (at least in the ActionScript world) seems to use a colour wheel bitmap and then getting the colour of the pixel that was clicked on. I found that this was not a very accurate way to go about it and decided to build a colour picker […]

February 28, 2014

Inspiring Inspiration #13

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…

November 11, 2013

Inspiring Inspiration #12

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…

September 20, 2013

Inspiring Inspiration #10

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…

January 30, 2013

JS Transform Handles

The other day I was playing around with Mozilla’s Popcorn Maker and I had the idea of using HTML/JS/CSS to create transformable divs using transform handles and a bounding box. I did a quick search for any existing examples of HTML transform handles but i couldn’t find anything so I decided to give it a […]

November 17, 2012

Inspiring Inspiration #9

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…

November 13, 2012

Inspiring Inspiration #8

A collection of cool video, motion graphics and interface design, mostly if not all from Vimeo…

June 2, 2012